Native Nomads

Inspire. Adventure. Connect.

“living the dream in Mexico while immersing ourselves in local and indigenous culture around the world.”

Recent Posts

We write and film about travel, volunteering, making money on the road, living in Mexico and immersing in local/indigenous culture around us.

Helping Where We Can and Making the World a Better Place

Thank you for joining us on this adventure! We are a traveling couple currently living abroad in Mexico. As the creators behind Native Nomads, we enjoy providing blog posts and vlogs (videos) focused on traveling outside of the box, immersing with indigenous and local people around the world, sustainably volunteering and giving back to create a more equitable world – all while building the life of our dreams.

We built this for folks who want to travel in a similar way, who may need encouragement, tips on how to sustain this lifestyle, and motivation to be the change they want to see in the world while building a life filled with passion and meaning. If you are new to the site visit the ABOUT US page to learn more about who we are and why we do what we do. If you want to follow us on our journey please SUBSCRIBE below!

Travel History

We slow travel around the world really taking our time to immerse in local culture and make our biggest effort to support local, sustainable travel.




blog posts


surrealist garden xillitla mexico

Native Nomads 11 Tips & Tricks For Traveling Local

We wanted to share with you some little tidbits we have picked up along our travels and kept in our back pocket for just about any occasion as a traveler. These are the best practices and have helped us many times. They are also insights we have learned from locals as we have made friends in the places we’ve traveled.


travel as a couple

Our Upcoming Trips

Even with travel being up in the air at the moment, we still have to plan for when this is all over. Here is a snippet of our travel plans when the whole reopens and travel is safe.

Madrid, Spain

Antigua Guatemala
Cusco Peru

Our Vlog Highlights

In March 2018, we left the comforts of our home behind in Portland, Oregon, USA in exchange for the adventure of a lifetime. Here is a compilation of our experience when we first hit on the road in the Yucatan and Jalisco, Mexico!

Native Nomads’ Top 10 Sites to See

1. Chiapas, Mexico

Chiapas, Mexico is a state found as far south in Mexico as you can go, bordering Guatemala. We think it is a must-see…..

2. Almafi Coast, Italy

A short distance from Rome the Almafi coast is everything that is needed for the most quintessential Italian trip.

3. Bacalar, Mexico

Also known as The Laguna of 7 Shades of Blue for its glimmering waters that range from very light clear aqua, turquoise and dark azul,

san miguel de allende

Travel Gallery

A few places we’ve been, a few special memories made… catch a glimpse of the journey below!