by Native Nomads | Aug 4, 2020 | France, Humanitarian Projects, Indigenous People, Italy, Latest Posts, Merida, Mexico, Plastic Free Travel Tips, Travel Stories, Welcome, World Travel
Native Nomads’ 11 Tips & Tricks for Traveling Local We wanted to share with you some little tidbits we have picked up along our travels and kept in our back pocket for just about any occasion as a traveler. These are the best practices and have helped us many...
by Native Nomads | Feb 10, 2019 | Environmental Projects, Humanitarian Projects, Indigenous People, Merida, Mexico, Travel Stories, Uncategorized, World Travel
Shhhhhhhh is the term you hear when you talk about secret locations around the world. Most of the time, the reason is that these destinations are special to that person and they fear once the secret is out that it will be ruined by masses of tourists that will bring...
by Native Nomads | Jan 22, 2019 | Environmental Projects, Humanitarian Projects, Indigenous People, Merida, Mexico, Travel Stories, Uncategorized, World Travel
Let’s start by asking, where were we exactly one year ago? Well, we had just joined Location Indie, the online community of like-minded travelers journeying through the world and creating location independent businesses. A community helping each other to succeed...
by Native Nomads | Nov 14, 2018 | Environmental Projects, Humanitarian Projects, Uncategorized, World Travel
“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” So why volunteer? When things are good they are great, but when things go wrong they can take the wind right out of your sails. So why do we dust ourselves off and continue offering ourselves to...
by Native Nomads | Aug 9, 2018 | Environmental Projects, Humanitarian Projects, Merida, Mexico
11 Things to Double Check Before You Volunteer Abroad As digital nomads, volunteers, and citizens of the world, we want to do good for the world. In the modern age of environmental and humanitarian crises, especially in places we love to travel, it’s apparant...
by Native Nomads | Jul 6, 2018 | Environmental Projects, Go Plastic Free Store, Plastic Free Travel Tips
My Journey to a Plastic Free Life The beginning of the story: This is the beginning of My Journey to a Plastic Free Life. At times I hade made excuses for convenience or felt that there was no other option. Grabbing a cup of coffee at a coffee shop, getting food to go...