My Love/Hate Relationship With VIPKID

Leave It At The Door

***Read more about my first 9 months with VIPKID here

The VIPKID Students

I have helped with submissions with papers for English speech competitions and have reviewed instructional videos for one young filmmaker who likes to teach people how to make coffee. One student is even a fan of our Youtube channel and watches our vlogs, commenting underneath words of support. This all helps to create a deeper connection between me and my students.
Revolving Door of Students

Financial Stability
Want To Learn How To Teach With VIPKID?
If you are interested in learning more about teaching English and making money with VIPKid, we can set up a time to chat if that helps. Please use my referral code to sign up if you want to teach with VIPKid and you found this article helpful! As always I am here if you have any questions and thanks for reading.
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