Travel Stories
What Happened to the Maya?
The Maya of the Yucatan When you first hear the word Maya what do you think of? Probably giant pyramids, hieroglyphic script, human sacrifice, strange rituals and advanced knowledge of the stars. Or perhaps you think of the Maya calendar and the prediction of the end...
Merida – The Safest City In Mexico?
If you're an American traveling outside of the United States it is common to hear - "stay safe," "watch out for dangerous people", "protect your belongings," etc. With the political climate in America and media hype about Mexico, the news has painted a picture that...
A Journey To Mother India – A Pilgrimage and Documentary
YOGA FOUND ME IN LA I began practicing yoga regularly when I lived in LA in 2010 and was always curious about where the roots of such a healing practice came from. While living in LA a friend introduced me to Bhakti Yoga Shala. I was immediately swept away by the...
The Story Behind Native Nomads
It's a classic tale as old as time, but travel has been a dream ever since I was a kid. Looking back, I guess I had instinctually gone down a path that eventually led me to create my own company, and discover a sense of entrepreneurship. A path that led me to...