A 10 in this section is rated as the most walkable a neighborhood can be.
A 10 in this section is rated as the most safe a neighborhood can be.
A 0 in this section is rated as the most quiet with a 10 as the loudest.
Rental Price Range
10,000-20,000 pesos
Average Home Purchase Price
5,000,000-10,000,000 pesos
Favorite Restaurants:
- Estacion 74
- Bistro Cultural
- Bollicine Cucina Italiana
- Cafe Montejo
- Lou’s
- Ave de Paraiso
- Taqueria La Lupita
- El Cardenal Cantina
- Flamante Burgers
- Lo Que Hay (in Hotel Medio Mundo)
- El Marlin Azul
- Mais
- Canela
- Cilantor
- La Negrita
- El Cardenal
- Manifiesto Café
- Micaela mar y leña
- La Chaya Maya
- Catrin
- Mercado 60
- Dzalbay
- Cuna
- Mérida Slow Market
Favorite Green Spaces:
- Parque Las Americas
- Parque de Santiago
- Parque de Santa Lucía
- Dzilbay
- Peon Contreras
- music and dancing in Santiago park each Thurs
- Plenty of museums and galleries in the city center but I like to go to the parks. Parque de Santiago, Parque de Santa Lucía
- Anything on Paseo de Monteo
Public Transportation Distance to Closest Stop
1-2 Block Walk
Best Things about Your Neighborhood:
“Convenient, pretty, safe, Quiet most of the time, Lack of congestion.”
“Being within walking distance to shops and restaurants Neighborhood seems safe Good neighbors”
” Neighborhood feel, No congestion, On edges of very active”
“The neighbors, walking distance to Gran Plaza, house is not on a street with lots of traffic or buses”
“La tranquilidad 🙂 “
“Tranquilidad, seguridad, gente “
“Many services close by”
“Lots of cats”
“I can walk anywhere in Centroid easily”
Things you don’t like:
“Noise and can be a little smelly with trash burning”
“Noisy buses and motorcycles for a few hours. Lack of dining opportunities”
“Lack of large green spaces within walking distance, parking can be limited”
“A veces hay un poco de ruido”
“Garbage on the street corners that does not get picked up”
“Neighbors burning trash”