Caucel Neighborhood


A 10 in this section is rated as the most walkable a neighborhood can be.


A 10 in this section is rated as the most safe a neighborhood can be.


A 0 in this section is rated as the most quiet with a 10 as the loudest.

Rental Price Range

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Average Home Purchase Price

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Favorite Restaurants:

Favorite Green Spaces:

  • Hacienda Anicabil 
  • Lots of parks and green spaces


Public Transportation Distance to Closest Stop

1-2 Block Walk

Best Things about Your Neighborhood:

Great Sports Track with classes of all kinds Unidad Deportiva Ciudad Caucel, ANIMAYA, Hacienda Anicabil nice for walk and sitting, meeting locals, Shopping/all the big stores”

“Don’t have to go to Mérida as often unless if you need to go to a good restaurant, we are closer to Costco! Yay!”

“love that I never have to leave here for anything..everything you can think of is here. Green spaces. Restaurants”

“we have movie theater, different kind of groceries and closer to the beach”


Things you don’t like:

“Nothing I don’t like  :)”

“there not much green, not many good places to eat and so much construction going on always”