Walkability: 6.3/10
Safety: 6/10
Noise (0 is no low noise) 6.5/10
Rental Range:
House Purchase Range: 2,500,001-5,000,000 pesos
Top Restaurants:
- Santis pizza
Best Things About Your Neighborhood: “Peace and quiet”
“Lots of birds singing all day around. Very quiet. Very close to altabrisa without being inside the city. ”
“Mercado, panadería, iglesia, tienditas, papelerias, etc, so many things around love it”
Favorite Green Spaces: Cholul Main square
Public Transportation Access:5-10 block walk
Best Things about Your Neighborhood: “Su tranquilidad, sus tiendas, su parque principal. Me gustan.”
“Quiet, peaceful”
“Quiet, safe, close to shopping areas”
Things you don’t like:
I don’t like the streets so small and the lack of space on the sidewalk on non sidewalks
“Not all streets are paved, Mosquitoes “