

A 10 in this section is rated as the most walkable a neighborhood can be.


A 10 in this section is rated as the most safe a neighborhood can be.


A 0 in this section is rated as the most quiet with a 10 as the loudest.

Rental Price Range

10,000-20,000 pesos per month

Average Home Purchase Price

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Favorite Green Spaces:

  • Hay 2 Parques. Y muchos arboles


  • Plaza Patio tiene cine
  • restaurants
  • Soriana.

Public Transportation Distance to Closest Stop

1-2 Block Walk

Best Things about Your Neighborhood:

“En 5 minutes puedo estar en Centro. Y estoy cerca de Chem Bech”

“No hay mucho extranejeros.hay 3 ferreterias. No hay barras. Hay mucho arboles. 10 minutios de Centro”

“Es un vencindario muy tranquilo. Los vecinos son muy amables. Esta cerca de todo.”


Things you don’t like:

“Don’t care much for the noise. The closer to the park the louder and more often. And some train noise at first, but now don’t hear them at all😄.”

“bus traffic”

“lack of proper sit-down restaurants”

“Las tres que no me gustan: 1. Vienen muchos gringos 2. Esos gringos se organizan para arruinar los planes de los locales 3. Esos extranjeros quieren cambiar todo”

“Increase in demo/construction, as a lot of expats are moving there. It has gotten busier in the last 5 years”

“Bus routes and general noise”