A 10 in this section is rated as the most walkable a neighborhood can be.
A 10 in this section is rated as the most safe a neighborhood can be.
A 0 in this section is rated as the most quiet with a 10 as the loudest.
Rental Price Range
10,000-20,000 pesos per month
Average Home Purchase Price
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Favorite Restaurants:
- Miyabi
- Tatemar
- Marmalade
- Petit Delice
- Moniques Bakery
- TGI Fridays
- Amore y Gusto
- Il Rustico
- Vida Mia
- Astro
Favorite Green Spaces:
- Parque de Ame
- Hay pequeños parques pero nada bueno
- Isla Mall
- City Center
- Galerias
- Gran Plaza
- The Harbor
- Many movie theaters
Public Transportation Distance to Closest Stop
1-2 Block Walk
Best Things about Your Neighborhood:
“The best thing is being within walking distance to the mall or to Oxxo. We also have a bicycle repair shop just down the street that has been super useful.”
“Muchos servicios cercanos”
“I love the quiet from this being a family neighborhood that isn’t too busy, I love how close the supermarkets & malls are, and I love being walking distance from Modelorama & Oxxo.”
“Cerca de servicios, casas de buen tamaño y cerca de la salida a Progreso.”
“So many close stores, malls and new centers being built. There will be a roof top bar half a block from my house and San Angelo mini mall is 3 blocks away. Plenty of room to walk, quiet at night, safe and pretty houses to look at.”
“My neighbors sell food from their front yards (and it is very good), a few places to buy organic eggs, best part is I’m close to many stores I like to frequent such as Costco, Home Depot, Office Max, etc. There are many restaurants and it is a quiet, clean place to live.”
“there are a variety of types of houses from small to medium to large, it’s very quiet and clean, close to many stores we frequent (so it’s convenient), its a modern neighborhood with quaint houses”
“Tranquilidad y que está muy bien conectado “
Things you don’t like:
“I don’t like having to Uber so many places, I don’t like the nightlife being too far away to walk, and I don’t like not having a commercial fitness facility close by (biking 2.5 km to and from the gym every day gets old)”
“No todas las calles están pavimentadas, es lejos del centro y no hay urbanización amigable al peatón”
“Far from Centro, and the main part of Paseo Montejo, My Home is new and hard to find for deliveries”
“Precios altos comparados con otras zonas “