A 10 in this section is rated as the most walkable a neighborhood can be.
A 10 in this section is rated as the most safe a neighborhood can be.
A 0 in this section is rated as the most quiet with a 10 as the loudest.
Rental Price Range
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Average Home Purchase Price
5,000,000-10,000,000+ pesos
Favorite Restaurants:
- Cafe Creme
- Bistro Cultural
- Casa Chica
- Catrin
- El Apapacho
- Oliva Enoteca
- Hennessey’s Irish Pub
- Apoala
- El Catrin
- El Barrio
- La Cubanita
- Pan y koffee
- Ave del Paraiso
- Rafaello’s Pizza
- Tratto
- Flamante Burgers
- Marmalade
- Pita
- Lucero alba
- Casa san angel
Favorite Green Spaces:
- Las Americas
- Parque Santa Ana
- Paseo Montejo
- Paso de Montejo
- Dzalbay Cantina
- Jose Peon Contreras Theater (Yucatan Symphony Orchestra)
- Santa Ana park music and dancing
- Museum of Anthopology
Public Transportation Distance to Closest Stop
1-2 Block Walk
Best Things about Your Neighborhood:
“Easy to walk everywhere”
“Close to Montejo”
“it’s all fun”
“Our neighbors are so nice”
“Close to Paseo Montejo , restaurants, bars, shops is great”
“Quiet neighborhood, nice MX neighbors, the cocina economica across the street. Nothing I don’t like”
“love how many expats”
“I like the location – close to bars, Montejo, and Walmart. Beautiful buildings. Nice cafes.
“It is quiet. It is a mixed neighborhood, locals, foreigners, people from other towns of the Yucatan and people from other States of Mexico live together around here.”
“The relative quiet; the neighbors, they are very friendly; my house and all the trees around here.”
“Location, trash pickup 3x week, proximity to restaurants, events”
“Everyone comes out at night. You will hear music playing and people having fun”
“Easy walk to lots of restaurants and entertainment. Close to Paseo, Just far enough away from the Grand Plaza to be quieter, neighborhood feel.”
“Everything close”
“Calm, quiet, safe”
Things you don’t like:
“I wish there was a bigger park, could be cleaner”
““The smoke from the bakery’s oven; the sidewalks are uneven; not having a park around here.”
“Traffic during the daytime, uneven sidewalks, construction.”
“Bad sidewalks”
Love the neighborhood. Houses are being renovated all over the barrio lately. Close to Paseo Montejo and Parque Santa Ana with the restaurants and bars within walking distance. A very walkable area with good lighting and security.
Santa Ana really is a wonderful place. What is your favorite restaurant?