A 10 in this section is rated as the most walkable a neighborhood can be.
A 10 in this section is rated as the most safe a neighborhood can be.
A 0 in this section is rated as the most quiet with a 10 as the loudest.
Rental Price Range
5,000-10,000 pesos
Average Home Purchase Price
2,500,001-5,000,000 pesos
Favorite Restaurants:
- Apoala
- La Cubanita
- Lek Cafe
- Marmalade
- Pistache
- Pita
- La Tratto Santa Lucia
- Ave del Paraíso
- Flamante Burgers
- La prospe de Xstub
- Amaro
- Volta Cafe
- Carboni
- Dzalbay
- La Negrita
Favorite Green Spaces:
- Santa Ana
- Santiago
- Santa Lucia
- Paso de Montejo
- Dzalbay
- Merida English Library
Public Transportation Distance to Closest Stop
1-2 Block Walk
Best Things about Your Neighborhood:
“Lots of cool art galleries nearby”
“Architecture, Walkability, safety”
“In the middle of Santa Ana, Santiago, Santa Lucia”
“So many places within walking distance, but also not a bad drive to northern amenities like good grocery stores”
“My neighbors, no loose dogs or cats on my block(!), location”
Things you don’t like:
“Garbage, Garbage, Garbage”
“Parking can be tough during weekdays”