A 10 in this section is rated as the most walkable a neighborhood can be.
A 10 in this section is rated as the most safe a neighborhood can be.
A 0 in this section is rated as the most quiet with a 10 as the loudest.
Rental Price Range
20,000+ pesos
Average Home Purchase Price
5,000,000-10,000,000 pesos
Favorite Restaurants:
- Need more information
Favorite Green Spaces:
- Need more information
- Need more information
Public Transportation Distance to Closest Stop
3-5 Block Walk
Best Things about Your Neighborhood:
“Close to gym, restaurant, movie theatre, small park”
“safety, quiet and location”
Things you don’t like:
“neighbor was cranky old lady that got upset if a dog peed on the wall outside that is right on the public sidewalk… good luck stopping that!”