

A 10 in this section is rated as the most walkable a neighborhood can be.


A 10 in this section is rated as the most safe a neighborhood can be.


A 0 in this section is rated as the most quiet with a 10 as the loudest.

Rental Price Range

1,000-5,000 pesos per month

Average Home Purchase Price

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Favorite Restaurants:


Favorite Green Spaces:

  • Parque hundido
  • Parque de la Paz



Public Transportation Distance to Closest Stop

1-2 Block Walk

Best Things about Your Neighborhood:

Nice people”

“Well, there are a lot of interesting characters. But that’s what you get when you live next to a liquor store and are five blocks away from the mental hospital.”

Park church baseball field”

“Cheap, kind of gritty, some nice people.”


Things you don’t like:

“Lots of drunks in the street, some aggressive individuals, and incidents of domestic violence.”

“Don’t live here unless you are ready for a more “gritty” experience than Centro or some of the safer neighborhoods. There are some aggressive individuals, suspected drug trafficking or selling, issues like domestic violence, and some people that are just not in sound mind, which can be dangerous. The rent though is fairly cheap.”



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