Garcia Gineres


A 10 in this section is rated as the most walkable a neighborhood can be.


A 10 in this section is rated as the most safe a neighborhood can be.


A 0 in this section is rated as the most quiet with a 10 as the loudest.

Rental Price Range

5,000-10,000 pesos per month

Average Home Purchase Price

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Favorite Restaurants:

Favorite Green Spaces:

  • Parque Las Americas
  • Iberica


  • Paso de Montejo
  • Slow Food Market
  • Parque Las Americas
  • plenty of coffee shops
  • Sex Shop
  • Smoke Shop
  • Bullring

Public Transportation Distance to Closest Stop

1-2 Block Walk

Best Things about Your Neighborhood:

“Like the older neighborhood but wider streets and sidewalks then say Centro.”

“Love quiet, huge trees, Mexican neighbors.”

“The yards and trees throughout the neighborhood- the park 2. Walking distance to banks, cafés, restaurants, medical facilities…and NO loud bars! 3. The accessibility to other parts of the city”

“Proximity to Centro while being affordable, mostly local neighborhood- you have an authentic Mexican experience living here, lots of shops and cocina economics and tienditas and fruit and vegetable stands

“Las tres que me gustan: Esta céntrico Esta tranquilo Esta hermoso”

“Lots of greenery, lots of birds”

“Secret gardens and cenotes”

“Shade, quiet, wide streets, few buses”


Things you don’t like:

“Don’t care much for the noise. The closer to the park the louder and more often. And some train noise at first, but now don’t hear them at all😄.”

“bus traffic”

“lack of proper sit-down restaurants”

“Las tres que no me gustan: 1. Vienen muchos gringos 2. Esos gringos se organizan para arruinar los planes de los locales 3. Esos extranjeros quieren cambiar todo”

“Increase in demo/construction, as a lot of expats are moving there. It has gotten busier in the last 5 years”

“Bus routes and general noise”

“Abandoned properties, piled up trash”


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