Las Águilas


A 10 in this section is rated as the most walkable a neighborhood can be.


A 10 in this section is rated as the most safe a neighborhood can be.


A 0 in this section is rated as the most quiet with a 10 as the loudest.

Rental Price Range

1,000-5,000 pesos per month

Average Home Purchase Price

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Favorite Restaurants:


  • Trotters

Favorite Green Spaces:

“Very small parks, one a children’s park, another with wifi. But lots of trees in the neighborhood.”



  • Paso de Montejo

Public Transportation Distance to Closest Stop

1-2 Block Walk

Best Things about Your Neighborhood:

“Close to everyday shopping. Supermarkets, butchers, convenience, doors, hardware, automotive, medical clinics, economical, convenience stores, laundromats”

Far enough from Centro to not feel like a tourist. Close enough to hop on the bus and be there in 12 minutes. Less than 2 minute walk to Calle 60 (Avenida Tecnologico) to hit downtown or Progreso and 2 minute walk in the other direction to end up going down Calle 66, close to MEL.”


Things you don’t like:

Would love better sidewalks and less litter.



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