A 10 in this section is rated as the most walkable a neighborhood can be.
A 10 in this section is rated as the most safe a neighborhood can be.
A 0 in this section is rated as the most quiet with a 10 as the loudest.
Rental Price Range
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Average Home Purchase Price
250,001-500,000 pesos
Favorite Restaurants:
- Catrin
- Macaela Mar
- Wayn’e
Favorite Green Spaces:
- Mejorada Park
- La Plancha
- Old train station area
- Activities in Parks (Santa Ana, Mejorada)
- close to the main venues downtown
- C47 Restaurant Row
Public Transportation Distance to Closest Stop
1-2 Block Walk
Best Things about Your Neighborhood:
“The neighbors, the location (quick to downtown, easy access to buses, lots of popular sites)”
“Very local flavor. Walking distance to food, pharmacies, transport”
“Quiet, non-commercial”
“7 minutes to Centro”
“Mejorada square.”
“The market on 42×57. Nice arches”
“Old train station.”
Things you don’t like:
“Busy streets downtown, noise, neighbors burning trash”
“Poor sidewalks, not enough variety in shops, need more green areas/trees.”